Asosiasi Kontraktor Indonesia (AKI) or Indonesian Contractors Association (ICA) was established on October 2, 1971 with total of 22 construction companies and 21 construction experts as AKI founding members. Today, ICA has grown to be one of the respective associations in Indonesia, has successfully become the umbrella of the best contractors in Indonesia not only domestic companies but also international companies that operate in Indonesia. ICA members are dominant players in Indonesian construction market either individually or jointly cooperated with world-class contractors. ICA members have taken active roles as consortium member as well as consortium leader.

ICA gives assistance to its member to develop construction domestic or international market. At present, there are many ICA members that have gained international work experience. By then ICA endorses its members to be more active in winning international bid.

ICA has active role to the development of construction industry in Indonesia among others ICA as one of CSDB (Construction Services Development Board) founders. It was mandatory established by Construction Service Law No. 18/1999. CSBD is responsible for development of construction industry in Indonesia. ICA also has presented huge contribution in the area of construction industry including construction companies and supporting construction companies.


To promote and encourage a highly reliable, independent, productive, accountable and competitive National construction industry either in National or International market


•To initiate codes of ethics among National contractors
•To forge bonds and partnership and to promote cooperation among members
•To encourage and support professional competencies of ICA members and their business partners
•To make a great effort for collective advance by providing shelter for the members in order to strengthen the organization.


The aims and objectives of the association are as follows:
•To promote conducive climate in construction industry
•To encourage growth and progress of Indonesian construction industry
•To improve development order
•To enhance ICA members competency and professionalism as players in construction industry
•To forge bonds among ICA members.


In facing globalization era, Indonesian Contractors are required to improve the following subject:
•personnel competence
•cooperation among contractors/associations in study and development of technology
•in area of contract administration: engineering and financial
•on-site technical implementation
•cooperation in R&D especially for cost efficiency in project financing.

Entering 22nd century ICA resolves to move forward and face abundant challenges, opportunities, and obstacles by:
•establishing order and code of ethics among Indonesian contractors
•forging bonds and fostering cooperation among contractors
•putting on effort and assisting by boosting competencies of professionals of ICA members
•endeavoring collective advance in the interest of ICA members to strengthen the organization.

ICA has set series of activities in reaching its objectives, among others:
•Be active in giving suggestions to Government in the area of enhancing and development construction industry in Indonesia
•Be active in improving technology and competencies of players in construction industry by conducting joint cooperation with research and education institutions
•Set up and socialize codes of practice for professional in Indonesian construction industry
•Assist ICA members in running their businesses and take part as inter-member relationship
•Build relationship and promote joint cooperation with either domestic or international institutions having parallel objectives.

ICA endorses its members to develop and advance their performance in the area of:
A. Training
•Training for operators
•Training for managers and middle executives
•Training on ISO and related topics
•Training on tax, finance, certification and others.

B. International Relationship
ICA assists its members by:
•Giving information on projects on the abroad and prospective projects
•Collecting data and information on construction activities abroad
•Working out closer or more intense cooperative programmes in construction industry with foreign contractors association through IFAWPCA membership
•Participating in IFAWPCA activities to broaden horizon and to create mutual beneficial relationship.

C. International Activities
ICA generates bilateral or multi-lateral cooperation with contractors associations of respective country members under IFAWPCA. ICA has also conducted joint meetings with some International Contractors and Associations to facilitate closer cooperation among organizations in the area of construction industry.

D. Reliable Partners
Indonesian contractors that join as members of ICA are very reliable partners in performing their commitment and agreement/contract. For ICA members the signed contracts not merely contracts, but also as guarantee that work will be completed satisfactorily in line with the agreement regardless obstacles that faced. It has been proven that ICA members have performed extremely difficult works at remote area. Nonetheless, ICA members hold key position in delivering, service and product with competitive price.


Indonesia Contractors Association (ICA)
Wijaya Graha Puri Blok D-1
Jl. Darmawangsa Raya No. 2 Jakarta 12160 - Indonesia
Tel No. : +62-21 720 0794, 727 90672
Fax No. : +62-21 720 6805
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